Christmas in Australia

Christmas in Australia is hot... and that pretty much sums it up!

It's summer time in the Southern Hemisphere when Santa flies in so most Aussie traditions seem to have developed because of our climate. Heat waves and dramatic thunderstorms are the order of the day in the lead up to Christmas season. While many Australians might sing about a white Christmas, the closest they'll come to seeing one is an afternoon hail storm!

On Christmas Day the temperature is often in the nineties (or the thirties for those of us who speak celsius :) ) and it sometimes even nudges a hundred degrees. It makes sense  then, that salads and ice-cream are popular choices for Christmas lunch, although some Australians like a traditional roast with all the trimmings no matter how hot it may be!

It's also no surprise that the beach is a popular destination for Christmas holidays. The kids have six weeks off school on their summer break so a lot families head off to the coast for some sun, sand and surf.

Many Aussies get together to sing Christmas carols under the stars at night. Thousands of people turn up to big concerts, called Carols by Candlelight, that are held in towns and cities across the country. Some are televised and watched by millions of people.

You might like to check out my Christmas in Australia Pack, which has 45 pages of festive fun - all with an Aussie twist!

I hope you have a wonderful festive season and enjoy the traditions that make Christmas a special time in your part of the world!

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