March already?

How can it be March already when I haven't written a blog post since January? Clearly my New Year's resolution about regular blogging has not panned out terribly well.

March in Australia is Autumn, cooler months, a relief from the interminable heat of summer. Well, in theory, that's the case but it's certainly not the reality in this part of the world. Teachers and kids  endured temperatures of 93 degrees (34 C) and 102 (39 C) on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Will the 'people in charge' ever agree to install air-conditioning in all classrooms? I guarantee that quality learning time would increase and there'd be many happier teachers and kids in classrooms! But enough whinging (for now)!

When I'm not complaining about the heat, I do enjoy some of the fun celebrations around this time of year. The end of Chinese New Year festivities and the all the fun of St. Patrick's Day would be two that spring to mind. I always like to incorporate these celebrations into my classroom as a fun and easy way to teach appreciation of different cultures. I hope these freebies help you do the same!

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